Setting Up a Theatre Company (2 or 3 Hours)
The session uses RedCape’s experiences to address key issues facing new theatre companies and is designed for BA students about to graduate or for Level 1 or 2 students as part of an Employability programme. We offer mentoring and advice during the session tailored to students’ specific needs. The session covers:
Starting Up
Working with venues
Applying for funding
Edinburgh and other festivals
What to do when things go well (and not so well!)
Developing your company 'brand' and resources
Working with a producer
Devising with RedCape Theatre (2 or 3 Hours)
This workshop is for Level, 1, 2 or 3 undergraduate Drama students and introduces RedCape’s approach to devising. Starting with our unique RedCape warm up, the session explores storytelling, working with objects, composition and ensemble movement. We finish with the showing of a piece of group devised work based on one of RedCape’s creative processes.
An Introduction to Body Awareness for Physical Theatre (2 or 3 Hours)
The session is for Level 1, 2, 3 undergraduate Drama students. An introduction to RedCape Theatre's unique approach to performer training drawing on long-term practice in Asian martial/meditation arts, Lecoq and Gindler work. The workshop explores how to develop awareness skills as individual performers and/or an ensemble.
All of RedCape Theatre’s university level workshops can also be adapted to MA level. Additionally, RedCape Theatre also offers lectures and work demonstrations for undergraduate and postgraduate students covering:
Histories and Practices of Physical Theatre
Histories and Practices of Devising
Histories and Practices of Performer Training
The exact focus of each lecture can be designed in response to the needs of a particular module.
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"RedCape's workshop has been invaluable to planning my first trip to Edinburgh. It was great to get tailored advice and it made me feel much more confident about taking my work to the Fringe. It really made me think about the responsibility that we have as theatre makers to ensure that we are creating something which has a lasting impact upon the communities with which we share our work."
Participant, ‘Setting Up a Theatre Company’, University of Exeter
"Fantastic workshop today with Rebecca from @RedCapeTheatre. A very insightful and helpful session so thank you SO much!"
"Thank you to @RedCapeTheatre for a wonderful workshop today - loved it!"
Participants, Devising with RedCape Theatre, University of Bath Spa