Part Victorian thriller, part contemporary tale of friendship and rebellion, this time-travelling, genre-busting new show combines RedCape Theatre's unique blend of physical theatre, dark comedy and gripping storytelling.

As protestors gather outside the hospital where they work, three women meet up for a monthly book club. This month's book is 'Luminous' - a dark delve into Victorian London, where lurid stories are brought to life for entertainment in the penny gaff theatres: tales of an anonymous killer haunting the city and women whose bones glow through their skin. 

In the twenty-first-century living room, the wine is flowing and the discussion is getting heated. Mighty thinks the book is outrageous, Mags thinks it's the best thing she's ever read, and Alice hasn't got past page three. As the women get drawn deeper into the story, memories surface, unexpected connections are made, and the worlds begin to blur.

Age recommendation: 14+

Created by RedCape Theatre
Writer - Catherine Dyson
Director - Sabina Netherclift
Performers - Catherine Dyson, Cassie Friend and Rebecca Loukes
Designer – Tina Bicat and Charlie Myers


Funded by Arts Council England National Lottery Project Grant.

Commissioned by Corn Exchange Newbury with support from South Street Arts, Proteus Theatre and University of Exeter.

RedCape Theatre is committed to telling stories that matter, move and entertain using visual physical storytelling and original writing.





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