In Spring 2011, RedCape premiered their second show From Newbury With Love at the Corn Exchange, Newbury to critical and audience acclaim.

Like The Idiot Colony, From Newbury With Love was based on a true story and extensive research. It tells the story of a 15-year exchange of letters between Newbury residents Harold and Olive Edwards and the Aidova family in Chisinau, Moldova. The play charts a fascinating period of social and political history during the cold war. The premiere performance was streamed live around the world via a satellite internet connection.

The project included cultural exchange visits between 14-18 year olds from Newbury Youth Theatre and the Aleccu Russo School in Moldova. There was a digital written communication via Facebook between the young people and they also devised and performed a piece of theatre that was incorporated into the play.

Produced by Turtle Key Arts in association with the Corn Exchange Newbury.
Director: Claire Coaché (RedCape Theatre)
Writer: Lisle Turner
Co-Designers (set & costume): Tina Bicat & Kate Rigby
Lighting Designer: Aideen Malone
Dramaturg: Ben Samuels
Youth Theatre Directors: Sabina Netherclift & Oli Campbell-Smith
Sound Designer: Shaun Dawson – Turtle Key Arts
Production Manager: Alison King – Turtle Key Arts
Technical Manager & Set Builder: Nick Blower
Puppets designed by Yngvild Aspeli & created by the cast.

From Newbury With Love was a commission by CEN and also funded by ACE South-East, Esmee Fairbairn, Oxford University Press, Dillon Trust, West Berkshire Council and Berkshire Community Foundation, Grassroots Grants and Youth Opportunity Fund.

Special Thanks to Marina Aidova.


Harold Edwards: Nicholas Lumley
Olive Edwards: Erika Poole
Marina Aidova: Ida Jacobsen
Lera Aidova: Yngvild Aspeli
Slava Aidova: Robin Berry

Newbury Youth Theatre:

Polly Emberlin
Katrina Findlay
Tom Hamblin
Jenny Jones
Hester Kessling
Rob Lees
Alex Lonsdale
Martha Minall
Sarah Ramsay
Eloise Reayer
Blake Simons
Newbury Youth Theatre Staff:
Robin Strapp
Amy Trigwell-Jones
Tony Trigwell-Jones

Aleccu Russo Lyceum:

Olga Bondarenco
Irina Ceban
Anastasia Comardin
Maxim Cosciug
Veronica Efimenco
Margarita Grigorieva
Alexei Ivanenco
Alexandr Moiseev
Maria Nicipurenco
Anastasia Patranica
Vladislav Petrakovski

Aleccu Russo Lyceum Teachers:

Irena Muntenau
Irene Savostenco

“Because my father was imprisoned in a gulag, for running an illegal printing press, people were afraid to talk to us, it was a very lonely life. To receive these letters was a sign that someone cared."

Marina Aidova

 “I have immense pride that I had parents, who against all the odds, managed to keep hope alive for a family suffering under a repressive regime. And now, total delight that those myriad strands should be ending up in Newbury where it all began, and where it will continue to flower. ”

Amanda (Harold & Olive's daughter)





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